The Vlasti Village
The village of Vlasti, either called the ‘’Blatsi’’, at 1240 m altitude, reserves delightful surprises in the heart of Western Macedonia. Blasti is built on the col between the Mouriki and Siniatsiko Mountains, where the field of the ‘’Great Dance’’ is located.
The landscape altered among numerous fields with sparse cedar, lammergeyer, oak and pine forests. At the higher positions, sheer rocks and alpine fields add a particular mountainous character. Except for the incomparable beauty, this area is also known for its ecological characteristics, as it constitutes a biotope of bears and other predatory birds such as the war eagles, haggard eagles, snake eagles and the bullfinches. Vegetation is also lush, with a great variety of wild flowers and herbs.
Due to the alpine landscape and the lushy fields, the Vlasti inhabitants deal mainly with husbandry and became the most successful ones in Macedonia. This economical floruit of the village during the 19th century, when the population exceeded the 6500 inhabitants, was reflected also on the civil organization. It was then when Vlasti had three (3) schools, three (3) churches, library, luxury and two floor mansion houses.
Nowadays, the permanent inhabitants do not exceed 100 during winter period. However, the Vlasti inhabitants, who are proud for their background, follow keeping their links with their community and during summer period population reaches 2000 inhabitants.
Every summer the ‘’ Feast of the Ground’’ took place. This celebration is ecological and communicates messages for the environmental protection, by informing for the efforts and the actions of the environmental organizations. There was carried out, for the first time, on 2001 and gathered more than 5000 visitors. Today, it is more than an established estate, giving the opportunity for a national and international change of ideas and experience on environmental consciousness and action planning.